Every semester we try our best to get the information about our classes out to our consortium members. We use several methods: printed schedule, eNewsletter, emails to the advisory committee, posts and notes on various social media sites, word of mouth, . . . that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Still, we are not sure we are REALLY getting the information out there. We quite often hear from first time participants who have been in a school for many years that they have never heard of us or didn't understand what we were about. OUCH! We do an impressive repeat customer kind of busniness - meaning, once people take a class here, they are hooked.We have a few questions you all may be able to help us with: - How do we combat being invisible without being annoying?
- How do we get first timers up here - what might make them notice us?
- What could we be doing to get folks to interact with the Eighth Floor more?
I know people don't have a lot of extra time, and absolutely no schools have any extra money, but we are the best deal in town when it comes to professional development - hands down. How do we let people know?????
Just wonderin'
Lee Anne