Thursday, May 28, 2009

Won't you be my Facebook Friend??

Clearly, I am s sucker for opportunities to build my learning comunity. I have finally committed to creating a "professional" Facebook account. I've blogged about how much fun I've had with Facebook and how it has become a great way for me to keep in touch with family and friends. I didn't want to mix personal and professional, so I am not. I have found that there are some great professional development groups on Facebook and that it can be a wonderful vehicle for learning. So I'm in, hook, line, and one more thing to keep up with!

Scott and Lisa have also created profiles. Won't you be our friends? :-D

Lee Anne Morris's Profile Create Your Badge
Lee Anne Morris's Facebook Profile

AND . . . Lisa created a great new Eighth Floor group page, which you must also join. You can help us figure out what to do with this thing!

Setting up an account is pretty darn easy. If you have questions about joining the Eighth Floor group, let us know.

Just sharin'
Lee Anne


Deana McCloud said...
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Deana McCloud said...

Be careful...Facebook can be addictive! I agree that it's a wonderful way to keep in touch with family and reconnect with old friends. You might also want to check out if you're not already familiar with it. Our school district is trying it out, and so far it looks wonderful!